Accidentals Intro “3 for Tea” Interactive Livestream Series
So, what do you have planned from 3PM to 4PM EST beginning this Wed through next Tues? Yeah - that’s what we thought.
Seems our favorite trio of all time, “The Accidentals” are already days-deep in a communal quarantine in some attic somewhere (as any good band should be), are a bit pun drunk - and ready to entertain. Behold the Accidentals “3 for Tea” Interactive Livestreams.
If you’re familiar with this great, great band, you’ll understand just how sweet a deal a series of daily home-visits would be, particularly if you could hear some new music, request some old Accidental favorites and maybe even hear a cover tune or two mixed in. Can it be true? Let’s let Sav, Katie and Michael explain;
“Since we all toured together for a month, we decided we were good to quarantine together for a couple weeks. We are drinking lots of hot tea and popping zinc tabs (in case that really does help keep us healthy) and washing everything in sight. Meanwhile, we are recording and writing and coming to you live!
We are doing a tour of all our Socials - all the links are below. It will be interesting to see where everyone connects! We are so ready for some interactive social standing around a one mic bringing you some quarantunes. Oh, yeah. Bring your pun ‘A’ game. We will be throwing down some sick ones. - in a kid friendly sort of way.
And oh yeah, bring your favorite mug!!!”
3/25 at 3pm - PICK YOUR PLAYLIST Facebook Livestream (bring your food puns)
3/26 at 3pm - ALL COVER HOUR YouTube Livestream
(bring your music puns)
3/27 at 3pm - TIMELY SONGS Twitter Livestream
(bring your science puns) - Follow us to get notified
3/28 at 3pm - ALL NEW SONGS Instagram Livestream
(bring your animal puns) - Follow us to get notified
3/29 at 3pm - Michigan Music Alliance - Spread the Music Festival #artistssupportingartists Facebook Livestream
3/30 at 3pm - TBD
We love you all so much. Looking forward to sharing a minute with you <3
-Sav, Katie, & Michael